People in the UK genuinely go mad for KFC gravy at Christmas. In fact, it has been reported over 1 million orders of KFC gravy take place every week over the festive period. So, to inspire our audience to 'let the gravy flow' this Christmas, we decided to give the people what they craved. The chance to own the world's first and only KFC gravy card. Earning themselves serious clout, as well as KFC gravy all year round - not just for Christmas.

We believed in this idea so much we convinced KFC to allow us to run it as an added value campaign.
- 5.8m impressions (94% above target).

- The Instagram headline post generated a massive 86k engagements alone (7x more engagements than the Instagram average for LADbible in December).
- The Facebook headline article generated 4x the average of branded content articles.
- 6.9K clicks to enter the competition via our Instagram Stories.
- 4,793 people entered the competition
to win the KFC Gravy Card.
A synchronised cross-channel announcement was made via headline posts shared across LADbible & FOODbible on Instagram and Facebook. Linking through to an article.
Using Instagram Stories we used Link Stickers to drive fans directly to the competition page where they could enter to win. Here you can also see the article itself posted to
The activity also generated earned media via the press.
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