Background: For season 2 of The Crown, we wanted to show the power Netflix has in bonding the different generations in Australia.
Idea: Netflix with Nan - a video series featuring the monarchy's most passionate fans (Australian Nans) watching the show alongside their grandchildren. 
Netflix with Nan content series:

Netflix with Nan was one of Netflix's most successful social campaigns in Australia that year.

The "Nans are Hyped" launch video received overwhelmingly positive commentary, generating the highest organic reach of any piece of social media content in 2017. Many Netflix fans even called for their own show!

The #NetflixWithNan episodes were also hugely popular, generating more than 495k views on Netflix Australia's Facebook page. The Netflix US team also loved the videos sharing them across their Facebook and Twitter channels.
Netflix Nan's Christmas Speech (released the same day as the Queen's Christmas Speech)
We partnered with Australian influencers to watch The Crown season 2 with their Netflix Nans
"The Nans are Hyped" launch film was so popular we decided to run them as 30s pre-rolls for Catch-up TV too
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